This past weekend, I spent some time in the glamorous Western Denmark with my Communications class. The area isn't on anyone's list of "the top places to visit in Europe," but I was actually pleasantly surprised by the way the trip turned out.
Look mom I'm on TV! |
Thursday morning, I dragged my overstuffed suitcase onto a coach bus around the crack of dawn, and settled in for a 4 hour ride. We apparently went over the third biggest bridge in the world, but I was asleep and missed it. Typical. When we arrived in Odense, we went to a media museum where we were asked to produce our own News segment. I obviously wanted to be the host (because I am an attention whore), but forgot to raise my hand and was stuck doing an interview about Sensation White. As if I know anything about raves, other than how to get kicked out of them. Still, I got to be on camera, so I loved it. I also felt really smart namedropping
DJ Winterfresh, as someone who I hoped to see play Sensation. (Seriously, that was the only DJ I could think of.) Everyone was really impressed.
No Autographs, Please. |
That night, we went to dinner where I ate Weinerschnitzel (thats my
name!) and drank beer and felt super European. Then we went to a Jazz concert, where I realized that I will never be intellectual enough to appreciate Jazz music. And that the only people who
are intellectual enough to appreciate Jazz music are at least 83.

Friday we woke up and went to a PR firm called E-Mergency Creative. The head "Graphic Surgeon" lectured us for two hours, and offered useful advice on how to stand out in the business world, such as "tell your employers you think they are fucking crazy" and "when you e-mail a resume, use the subject line to make the recipient think you are sending them porn." Thanks Brian, I will keep those tips in mind next Spring when I am re-applying for Vogue. Maybe I will be able to get Anna Wintour's personal e-mail? In his defense, he did offer us red wine that we could drink out of blood bags. It was 9am, but still greatly appreciated.
We then went on a "Hans Christian Andersen Walking Tour." It was the first of the three I am scheduled to go on this semester. They really love Hans Christian Andersen in this country, and enjoy showing off every place he ever set foot. Here are some things I learned on my tour:
- Hans Christian Andersen wrote 300+ Fairy Tales
- Hans Christian Andersen invented the internet
- Hans Christian Andersen was the first man on the moon
- Hans Christian Andersen is a direct descendent of God and Aphrodite
Don't get me wrong, I love The Little Mermaid just as much as the next aspiring princess, but these people are completely obsessed. It's weird.
Handsy Christian Andersen |
After posing for pictures with 6 (six!!) different HCA statues, we got on the bus and went to the European Film College. The school was in the middle of nowhere, and there were 120 18-25 year olds running around in costumes filming movies. It reminded me a little bit of rehab. I kind of loved it. We all went out to a traditional Danish dinner where our teacher treated us to our first (3) rounds, then headed back to the
hostel to get drunk and watch Danish TV.
Zo Vision |
Saturday morning, we woke up and went
paintballing. That sucked. To make up for the trauma we endured, our teacher treated us to a
wine tasting at a local vineyard. The wine was not very good, but we obviously drank it anyway. All of it. Then we went out to a beautiful lunch on the water, where we were offered delicious food and *hot* waiters. This guy really wanted to get back on our good sides.
Finally, we drove to the Aros Museum in Arhus. The exhibits were all interactive, and seemed even cooler because we were all drunk from the wine tasting.
Considering the last field trip I went on was to the aquarium in 7th grade, I am pretty sure that getting drunk and shooting guns with my teacher are the most fun, least educational school sponsored activities I have ever taken part in. Look out London, here we come.
Countdown to London: 18 days
First Half Naked Boy I've Seen in a While |