Wednesday, September 28, 2011

L'Shana Tovah!

Get at me boiz
Tonight, I cooked Rosh Hashanah dinner. Now that I am no longer dating a 6'7" aryan athlete, it seems like a good time to start preparing for Jewish wifedom.

Before I got to Copenhagen, the only thing I knew how to make in the kitchen was a mess.  I literally didn't know how to boil water or crack an egg. Now, because I can't afford to eat, I have had to learn. I must say, I have become quite the chef. Some of my specialties include pasta, peanut butter and jelly and steamed vegetables. Tonight, it was time to tackle noodle kugel.

I am not super Jewish. I haven't been to temple in three years and can barely recite a prayer. I did, however, have an AMAZING Bat Mitzvah that involved me coming down in a swing wearing a top hat singing "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend." It was Moulin Rouge themed-- I guess my dad didn't realize the movie is about a whorehouse. Basically, I'm only into the Jewish stuff for the food and the party. So when my friend Gayle suggested we throw a traditional Rosh Hashanah dinner, I was in.

We went to the market, and I was on a mission to find egg noodles and pecans. They had neither. We settled on Ramen noodles and raisins instead. Real chefs know how to improvise. Gayle made a chicken, simmus and Israeli Salad. And I made Asian kugel. It was a huge success: everyone (including our 30 year old Danish male roommates) sat around drinking wine and talking about their sexual histories. Pretty similar to Weiner family dinner.

After tonight, I am officially ready to get married. JDate here I come!

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