Monday, October 24, 2011

Things I love about Copenhagen- 7/11

I like to think of myself as having pretty healthy eating habits. Well, until I get drunk. Once, last year, my roommate came home to find me asleep in her bed (still covered in body paint from a theme party) with a half eaten pot of pasta on the floor of our closet. She was pretty upset, but not nearly as mad as the time she came home and saw that I passed out before I ate my pasta... without turning off the stove.

Really. You don't know what I'm capable of.

In Copenhagen, my regard for nutrition has become completely obsolete. I actually can't remember the last time I ate a piece of fruit, unless you consider Absolut Peach to fall into that portion of the food pyramid. The market we use is horrible-- I once walked in on a Monday afternoon to find that the only "fresh produce" they had was garlic cloves. No thanks -- I'm trying to secure a Danish boyfriend.

Luckily, we have 7/11.

In America, I would never be caught DEAD eating something that came from a gas station. Don't they serve like, corn dogs and churros? For like, a dollar? But here, it has become a total obsession.

Wine? Ice Cream? Condoms? If you need it, 7/11's got it.

Every morning, I stop at one of the four 7/11's on my block to grab a cup of coffee. Do not be mistaken-- the coffee is not good OR cheap. It tastes like secondhand cigarette smoke and costs $5. And there is no splenda. But somehow, my day seems incomplete without it. It's a total addiction-- sort of like shoes or cocaine. They also have some cappuccino flavored frozen thing that comes out of a slurpee machine, but my iced coffee craving will never be worth the 5,000 calories that that mess would cost me.

If I'm feeling skinny (or hungover), I will add a croissant to my morning order. Denmark has some of the most amazing bakeries in the world, yet the most delicious pastry I've tasted here costs $2 and comes from a convenience store. Go figure.

As much as I hate American 7/11's, one of my dad's and my favorite activities at home is to go into a gas station and examine the selection of diet sodas. We both always end up with Fresca,  but it's sometimes fun to pretend we'll venture out and try Diet Cherry Cream Coke Zero or something. Here, there are thousands. And they are all European-- which is cool, but dangerous because it is impossible to tell which are calorically evil. I usually go for something called "detox water," as I can't remember the last time my body hasn't felt totally toxic.

As amazing as 7/11 is during the day, it is ONE MILLION times better late at night. On the way home from the bar. Some of my various choices have included a bacon wrapped hotdog, 3 slices of pizza (don't judge me, there was a promotion), a chocolate croissant, and a lemon donut (it was pink, which is obviously why I ordered it, and was completely disgusting). Like I said, I sort of have a problem with drunk eating.

Gourmet Snacks

And so, I must say, Thank Heaven for 7/11. The place literally has everything, and it all looks so beautiful under the fluorescent lighting. Just don't let the pink donuts fool you.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you travel thousands of miles to develop an appreciation for 7/11. I would have thought my Wolverine cups did the trick. You are the cutest. Xx
