Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Touring and Tequila

Yesterday was the first of many "Touring and Tequila Tuesdays" (copyright pending.) After class, Lindsay, Meg, Charlotte and I packed lunch and headed over to the nearby Bottanical Gardens to meet Taylor and her boyfriend (who is visiting) for a picnic. The weather was beautiful all morning, but by the time we got our lives together and made it out of the house it had taken a turn for the worst. The minute we sat down, it started pouring. Typical Copenhagen.

We opted to stay and stick it out, and passed the time by feeding our soggy sandwiches to the (aggressive!) ducks that were quacking and pecking at our feet. When it finally stopped raining, we walked around the gardens for a little while and went into the greenhouse. It was disgustingly humid inside and I actually felt like I was in a rainforest. We got to climb up to the ceiling so we were basically in the canopy of the trees, which was pretty cool. I tried to take pictures, but the lens kept getting so foggy!!

The weather was pretty clear when we headed back outside, so we decided to walk down to the famous New Harbor. I was really excited to see it because it is the picture that comes up when you type "Copenhagen" into Google Images, and was really the only place I knew in the city before I arrived here. It was just as pretty as I had imagined. I stopped and got Gelato on the way back, which I had been craving for a week. The waffle cone was one of the best I have ever had, and they put fresh whipped cream and jam on top which I have never seen before. It was delicious. We window shopped a little on the way back, and went into a store that has really cool posters of Danish scenery. I hoped to find something to decorate my bare room, but based on the prices it looks like I will be stuck staring at white walls for the rest of the semester.

Last night, we pregamed and went out with some of the Danish guys we live with. They are moving out on Friday, so we are trying to get in as much fun bonding time as possible before they have to go. We had planned to go to LA bar for tequila, but the line was crazyyyy long so we went to Zoo bar instead. I met some (cute!) Italian guys who I hung out with for a little while, but it was a pretty quiet night and I went home early. Hopefully I will get a friend request from the boys today!!

Now I'm off to a study tour at Christiania -- will let you know how it goes!!


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