Wednesday, August 31, 2011

An Practical Education in Marijuana

Happy first day of classes to everyone at Georgetown! At DIS, there are no classes on Wednesdays so that we can go on "educational study tours." Today, I went on a field trip with my Danish class to Christiania. It was, by far, the strangest and coolest place I have ever visited. It is a community started out as a social experiment in the 70's, and is now basically a compound with no rules where hippies go to get high. There are 900 residents, and they get millions of tourists every year. The biggest draw to the spot is the fact that it is legal to buy and smoke marijuana. There is a street called "Push Street" that is casually dotted with jewelry stands, shwarma vendors and drug dealers. They don't sell any hard drugs (they were banned in the 80's after a 16 year old girl OD'd on heroin) but they sell weed in many different forms. It was beyond strange to see people buying joints and lighting up in the middle of the street. Our tour guide has lived on the land for 23 years, and told us all about the LSD he used to do. He was the man. It was really cool to get a tour because it definitely helped me to understand exactly how the community operates. I want to go back on the next sunny day to shop around a little bit (for jewelry not drugs! god.) and eat Shwarma.

After we left Christiania, we had some time to kill so we went to the mall. So 90's. In case anyone was wondering, the malls in Copenhagen are just as cheesy as the ones in Warwick, Rhode Island. And 4 times as expensive.

Tonight, we had a "cafe night" for Danish class. We took the train (which I will NEVER be able to navigate) to La Brasserie. There were about 40 DIS students, a few Danish people and our BEAUTIFUL teacher Ditte Marie. So Danish. So hot. They gave us heapingggg portions of Lasagna, which I devoured (somebody actually commented on how much of it I ate!) and I came home exhausted, full and happy.

Tomorrow night is open bar at Kulor Bar, so hopefully there will be stories to tell!


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